Terms and Conditions
Applicable exclusively for the Exyte Central Europe GmbH and its locations in Germany
Until November 2024:
Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen Bauleistungen (Exyte Central Europe GmbH)
General Terms and Conditions for Construction Services (Exyte Central Europe GmbH)
Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen Planerleistungen (Exyte Central Europe GmbH)
General Terms and Conditions for Design and Engineering Services (Exyte Central Europe GmbH)
As of November 2024:
1. General
Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen (AEB)
General Terms and Conditions (GTC)
2. Design and Construction
Besondere Bedingungen für Bauleistungen (BBB)
Special Conditions for Construction Services (SCC)
3. Design
Besondere Bedingungen für Planungsleistungen (BBP)
Special Conditions for Design Services (SCD)
4. Supply
Besondere Bedingungen für Kauf (BBK)
Special Conditions for Supply (SCS)
5. Lease
Besondere Bedingungen für Miete (BBM)
Special Conditions for Lease (SCL)